CHURCH NEWS  new and old


2013 - A year of growth, unity and great progress

As 2013 comes to a close, Bishop Kevin Vann along with the board and staff of the Orange Catholic Foundation, extend our heartfelt thanks for supporting our faith, church and future!
We also wish to share a few examples of the work-in-progress on the renovation of the Christ Cathedral campus as the faith community in our Diocese of Orange continues to grow and flourish.

On December 10, 2013 Bishop Kevin Vann celebrated his first year as our fourth Bishop of Orange 
Following is a link to a richly illustrative feature article published in the December 15, 2013 Sunday edition of the Orange County Register.

Restoration of our world-class Hazel Wright Organ began on December 9, 2013

 One week earlier, Bishop Vann visited the Fratelli Ruffatti factory in Padua, Italy and signed an agreement to restore this remarkable musical instrument.

RCBO Hazel Wright Organ Restoration

Video of Bishop Vann's visit to the Ruffatti factory in Padua, Italy
On November 20, 2013 our Cathedral architects addressed Christ Cathedral Guild donors 

A panel discussion with our Cathedral architects from Johnson Fain and Rios Clementi Hale was captured on video. The panel was led by Rob Neal, Co-Chair of the Bishop's Campaign Cabinet and the Chair of the Architecture and Renovation Committee.   


We hope you enjoy the following video segments of the architects' presentations and discussions.  


For Christ Forever surpasses $80 million in pledges!  

As of December 23, 2013 our For Christ Forever capital campaign surpassed

  To the more than 22,000 families who pledged to support our campaign, please know that your sacrifice honors the traditions of those who have gone before us, will sustain those who serve us now, and leave a legacy for future generations here in our Diocese of Orange.  

You have our heartfelt gratitude.

It's not too late to make a year-end gift. Click here for more information and to make an online gift. 

"The world tells us to seek success, power and money;

God tells us to seek humility, service and love."

- Pope Francis

© Orange Catholic Foundation 2013
To comment on this publication, contact Hank Evers, Director of Development and Communications * (714) 282-3047



The Gift of Giving  December 31 is deadline for 2013 charitable gifts

Mother Teresa said, "It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving." As we open our hearts to the Love, Hope, Joy, and Peace of Advent, let us reflect on how much love we might offer others by considering a year-end gift to support our faith, our church, and our future in our Diocese of Orange. To assist you in making your year-end gift before December 31, we have provided information in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese. You may also visit our website or contact us today.

Crystal to Christological  Liturgical Consultant speaks on Transformation

Starting December 1, the former Crystal Cathedral is now closed to public tours in order to begin the transformation of the building's sanctuary into our new Christ Cathedral. To learn more about the transformation, we invite you to watch this four-part presentation from Brother William Woeger, F.S.C., the Liturgical Consultant for our future Christ Cathedral.


Brother WmHis insightful four-part presentation can be
accessed by clicking on the following links:

Chapter 1: The World is Watching 

Chapter 2: Liturgical Spirituality

Chapter 3: Ecclesiastical Design 

Chapter 4: Design Process and Conclusion


Brother William Woeger

Pilgrimage planned for Canonizations

April 24 to May 1, 2014

Opportunity to join Fr. Christopher Smith on historic trip to Italy




Pope Francis announced that Blessed Pope John XXIII and Blessed John Paul II would be made saints at a single ceremony on April 27, 2014. As the world prepares to celebrate these events, the Orange Catholic Foundation will be orchestrating a pilgrimage to the canonizations.


Working with Corporate Travel and Steve and Janet Ray, the experienced tour hosts and producers of the award winning Footprints of God travel series, the OCF is pleased to offer this inspired pilgrimage from April 24 to May 1, 2014.  


Guests will also be accompanied by Father Christopher Smith, the Episcopal Vicar and Rector of Christ Cathedral. Space is limited. For more information on how you may join our historic pilgrimage, click here.

Orange County Register to issue "Golden Tickets"
Golden Ticket  

For the second year in a row, the Orange County Register joined

honorees at the 2013 National Philanthropy Day by pledging $7 million worth of free advertising to local nonprofits who are selected by the Register's more than 135,000 subscribers.



On Tuesday, December 3, weekly subscribers will receive a coupon in their newspaper worth $50 in advertising that they may designate for their favorite charity. Please consider assigning your coupon to the Orange Catholic Foundation when you return your "Golden Ticket" to the OC Register.

© Orange Catholic Foundation 2013
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To comment on this publication, contact Hank Evers, Director of Development and Communications * (714) 282-3047


"Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and He will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?" (Matthew 26:53)  "Awaiting the Command."  The painting depicts Jesus standing before Pilate as he is about to be taken away by the guards to carry his cross to Calvary. His body shows the whip marks of the flogging. He stands tall and dignified despite the tattered red robe and crown of thorns he is forced to wear by the Roman guards. At this moment the Roman guards wait for the command of Pilate to take Jesus away. Pilate has just washed his hands. You can see the wash basin between the pillars on the right. directly behind the guards are two enormous angels, standing with great anticipation and eagerness at any moment to intercede and destroy the wicked enemy. One angel rests his hands on the hilt of a huge sword. The sword resembles a cross which alludes to the fore looming crucifixion. The other angel holds her hands up to constrain the dark figure behind the pillar. The evil one is not allowed to cross the limits of his existence. The arched doorway frames the Messiah in a godly manner to emphasize His power and divinity. Jesus stands on a detailed mosaic floor typical of the time. The floor motif has the waves of water which I felt would be symbolic of the miracle when He walked on the Sea of Galilee. His feet stand directly on the lotus flower which is a symbol of the resurrection. The resurrection would be the triumphant moment when Jesus would overcome death and His mission would be complete. This painting makes me wonder. What if he had paused and not allowed Himself to be delivered up to be crucified. If He had summoned the angels to intercede--what would become of us all? Because of Jesus' great love for all of us, I believe we may be saved and return to a wonderful place prepared for us. Only through Jesus Christ could this have been possible. I felt a great love and admiration for Him as I painted this thought provoking image

Special thanks to Villanova University in Pennsylvania (USA) for its contribution
to the realization of the Virtual Reality Tour of the Basilica of Saint John Lateran



(Reuters) - Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina was elected in a surprise choice to be the new leader of the troubled Roman Catholic Church on Wednesday, taking the name Francis I and becoming the first non-European pontiff in nearly 1,300 years.  Pope Francis, 76, appeared on the central balcony of St. Peter's Basilica just over an hour after white smoke poured from a chimney on the roof of the Sistine Chapel to signal 115 cardinal electors had chosen him to lead the world's 1.2 billion Roman Catholics.
Pope Francis has chosen the motto "Miserando atque eligendo", meaning lowly but chosenterally in Latin 'by having mercy, by choosing him'.


Installation of the Fourth Bishop of the Diocese of Orange 

Installation of Bishop Kevin W. Vann
as Fourth Bishop of Orange
December 10, 2012
UC Irvine Bren Event Center

(This slide show has 96 pictures)


Mega Sized Thurible - Pope Benedict @ Santiago de Compostela

  The swinging Botafumeiro dispensing clouds of incense
You need RealPlayer to view the - 6.4 min movie at 43 Mb.

A dome above the crossing contains the pulley mechanism to swing the "Botafumeiro", which is a famous thurible found in this church. This thurible was created by the goldsmith José Losada in 1851. The Santiago de Compostela Botafumeiro is the largest censer in the world, weighing 80 kg ( 176 lb ) and measuring 1.60 m ( 63 in. ) in height. It is normally on exhibition in the library of the cathedral, but during certain important religious high days it is attached to the pulley mechanism, filled with 40 kg ( 88 lb ) of charcoal and incense. In the Jubilee Years, whenever St James's Day falls on a Sunday, the Botafumeiro is also attached in all the Pilgrims' Masses. Eight red-robed tiraboleiros pull the ropes and bring it into a swinging motion almost to the roof of the transept, reaching speeds of 80 km/h ( 50 Mph ) and dispensing thick clouds of incense. One explanation of this custom, which originated more than 700 years ago—although incense has been used in Catholic ritual from the earliest times—is that it assisted in masking the stench emanating from hundreds of unwashed pilgrims.

The church 30 foot cross no one can find,  bin there since the church was built.
 Inlay it with wood or just paint it.
 Cut the bushes and you can see the church name, in gold letters
The 30 foot CROSS no one can find

Noise in the sound system ??

The noise comes from the light dimmer itself. The noise is also more likely to occur when the total wattage controlled by the dimmer is near the dimmer's rated maximum.  Change the dimmers  to 20 amp. switches and the sound system will work better.
Cost under $ 20.00 each installed.

Mover the single point speakers off  the wall, the echo's and feed back goes away.  No need for any high priced sound deadening material.
Upgrade the ceiling speakers for much better sound.
Cost $ 125.00 per speaker installed.
Change amplifier driving the ceiling speaker with the proper 70.7 volt type. Cost $ 1,000.00 installed.
Sent by an acoustics engineer with 30 years experience.



Dear Friend,

Obama has made himself crystal clear. His convention has been dubbed "abortion palooza." His platform calls for unlimited access to abortion-at any time, for any reason-paid for by your tax dollars. Abortion on demand, for FREE.
Most of the events at his convention have been sponsored and run by Planned Parenthood. He has installed Planned Parenthood as the fourth branch of our government. Who do you think wrote Obamacare? Who do you think wrote the HHS mandate demanding that Catholics provide and pay for abortifacient drugs, sterilizations, and contraception? Planned Parenthood, Obama's mistress.
His vision for America is one of death. He is a pagan who charades as a Christian to deceive and mislead the gullible and the foolish. He is the first president in US history to be sued by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. They know what he is.
Calling him an extremist at this point is an insult to extremists. He is a calculating, evil human being who is instilling his designed change in America to marginalize Christians and begin their persecution.  His goal is to eliminate Christian values, and eventually Christians themselves, from society. He desires a godless America. He is an atheist clothed in deception.
Obama's vision for America must be defeated. Every abortion is the killing of a human being created by God. Our religious freedom is our first freedom. We must protect our country from the utter ruin that Obama's "hope and change" would create .
To do this, I need your help today. Your American Life League has the immediate goal of raising $75,000 to combat this evil. The truth must be told, and it must be told often and by every means necessary.
Will you stand with me and donate $25.00, $100.00, $500.00, or more to help me reach our goal of raising $75,000 to flood the airwaves with the truth? If we don't, no one will. The world loves its own.
I cannot do it alone, and your support is desperately needed. Time is running out. Please support us with the most generous donation you can.
God bless you,  Judie

ALL Logo


Jerusalem And God Vote Gets Booed At Dem Convention
More information from the Associated Press:
Delegates and members of the Democratic party booed after former Gov. Ted Strickland (D-OH) discussed God and moved to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
Convention chairman Antonio Villaraigosa, mayor of Los Angeles, had to ask for the Yea and Nay vote several times before declaring the motion passed.
C-SPAN cameras captured the dissatisfaction among members after the motion passed.

Democrats have changed their convention platform to add a mention of God and declare that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.
The move came after criticism from Republicans.
Many in the audience booed after the convention chairman, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, ruled that the amendments had been approved despite the fact that a large group of delegates objected. He called for a vote three times before ruling.  The party reinstated language from the 2008 platform that said
 "we need a government that stands up for the hopes, values and interests of working people and gives everyone willing to work hard the chance to make the most of their God-given potential."

Democrats & Obama has made it crystal clear. His convention has been dubbed "pro-abortion , pro-gay , anti-God."



Supreme Court sides with church on decision to fire employee on religious grounds

The Supreme Court has sided unanimously with a church sued for firing an employee on religious grounds, issuing an opinion on Wednesday that religious employers can keep the government out of hiring and firing decisions..


Remember.....Just going to church doesn't make you a Christian
any more than standing in your garage makes you a car.

Working for God on earth does not pay much,
 But His Retirement plan is Out of this world!!


According to these calculations, evil is advancing and the probability of the fall of Western Civilization is increasing.   But what can reverse this trend?
"Professional Catholics, people who work for the church for a living
but to whom the spring of faith as diminished to little more than a trickle."

"Wherever applause breaks out in the liturgy because of some human achievement, it is a sign that the essence of he liturgy has totally disappeared and been replaced by a kind of religious entertainment"
  The POPE our Holy Father said this,      not me.   click to see.

 Remember.....Just going to church doesn't make you a Christian
any more than standing in your garage makes you a car.


We spend $10,000's of dollars on sound systems that do not work reliably & are very poorly installed.
We argue who can use the kitchen to raise money at a fair, so we can spend the money on feel good parties and useless icons.
We argue over who controls the icons on church property and how there to be displayed or lit.
We paid personal to move chairs, someone said it is just too dangerous to have church members move a table or chair, NO other church in Orange County abides by this. We argue over if volunteers can clean the floors & paint the walls, We hire outside services to clean the bathrooms with a paid staff that exceeds all churches in this Diocese.
We tell all "No problems, Ever things wonderful, Sounds good , Looks great, ignore the icebergs ahead" just to stay in power & control.

"Professional Catholics, people who work for the church for a living but to whom the spring of faith as diminished to little more than a trickle."
The POPE our Holy Father said this,  click to see.

This Catholic Priest, I know personally & have supported for over seven years, from the seminary to his ordination & now his first church.
  He holds Mass on a wooden table under the shade of bamboo cover,
dirt floor,  no sound system, and no statues.
  Pensioners are sitting on plastic stools under a tarp.
Notice the gathering to the left of the picture. This is a Funeral Mass

In his letters to my wife, this Priest is happy doing Gods work.
But he needs a church with real walls.
I just publish the Facts, if offended, change the facts, not the messenger
The  Webmaster



Once again the Devil has sent his weak minded
 servant to our church and defaced our beloved
 Mary / Pro-Life monument.

Mary is always seen draped in Blue and now her halo of blue lights has been stolen from her .
Gifts given to Mary, flower & candles, removed by judgmental , self-righteous people will answer to Mary.
The Legion of Mary, Knights of Columbus, around the world, pray for the redemption of their soul.

  Altar bell      The most stunning uses of church bells is their ringing at the elevation of the Host and the elevation of the Chalice in the Mass, an act that announces to the entire world that a   miracle is taking place  . Later this typically came, in most places, to be done only by a small handbell (the "Altar bell" or "Sanctus bell") inside the Church, but many places retain use of the large bells at this time. It's an exquisite moment (there are no words, really) -- one that would compel one to kneel if one weren't already kneeling. In modern times its use in the Mass is considered optional to the Consecration. Many parishes do not use them, but  they are recommended, and some do continue to use them. (It is at the discretion of the individual priest, unless directed otherwise by the hierarchy). In traditional Catholicism, according to the rubrics, the Altar Bell is rung at the Sanctus and at the elevation of both Species.
The Chimes of the Trinity is the ringing of the bell three times to represent the Father,  Son, and Holy Spirit   The four bells represent  (Air, Water, Earth, Fire)

Catholic bishops declare 'Fortnight for Freedom'
Bishops Launch 2-Week Campaign Against Health Law
Religious liberty observance follows protests against health-care mandate

In what they call a celebration of liberty
— and opponents see as another round against the Obama administration —
Catholic bishops have declared a "Fortnight for Freedom" starting June 21.

The nation's bishops are scheduling two weeks of prayers,
Masses and other observances in Catholic churches, as well as discussions on the theme of religious freedom. The events mesh with the bishops' campaign against a rule by the Department of Health and Human Services that insurance companies must provide birth control treatment. The bishops and their supporters have said the measure would force them to violate their beliefs and curtail religious liberty.


Prayers of Petition during the Novena for the United States of America
"To overcome contradiction in laws concerning life."
Recite Daily Prayer of the Novena for the USA.

Day #1 (June 26th):  "Dear Jesus, inspire the hearts of legislators to bring fairness into every law.  In so doing, inspire lawmakers to remove contradiction from laws concerning life in the womb, so that no one is forced to support contraception or abortion against his free will.  Do not allow religious freedom to be trampled under the feet of those who favor death in the womb.   Amen."

Day #2 (June 27th):   "For freedom of conscience for religious groups."   "Dear Jesus, we ask Your protection over all religious organizations.  In this country based upon freedom, do not allow anyone to feel threatened in voicing their opinions or practicing their faith.  Help us to guard against reverse discrimination in which non-Christians are granted every right, but Christians are subdued.  Amen."

Day #3 (June 28)   "For realization of the Truth as to the path this country's leaders are following."   "Dear Jesus, help the citizens of this country to realize the truth of the direction this nation is taking.  Help everyone to comprehend that the government is becoming detached from the will of the people by slowly stripping away individual freedoms.  Restore in hearts the proud, independent nature that this country was founded upon.  Amen."

 Day #4 (June 29th):  "For unity in prayer against any form of dictatorship."   "Dear Jesus, unite the hearts of all the citizens of this nation to pray against any form of dictatorship.  Do not allow the people of this free country to stand silent as the Constitution is trampled upon.  Awaken hearts to see the hidden agenda of such actions, which encourages the One World Government.  Pray that all hearts unite in the Truth.   Amen."

 Day #5 (June 30th):   "That the path of good is well-defined against the path of evil in all the nation's decision making."   "Dear Jesus, open the heart of this nation to recognize the difference between good and evil.  Help the people to see that those who are ambitious for themselves readily transgress the rights of others. Remove from the hearts of those in influential positions the willingness to condone evil and to ignore God's Commandments.  Amen."

 Day #6 (July 1st):   "That Satan is disarmed in his efforts to gan control through the economy."   "Dear Jesus, we see Satan's hand in his efforts to weaken this country by weakening the economy.  In this way, the New World Order - One World Government - appears more acceptable to everyone. Enlighten all the citizens of this nation to see that to weaken the economy is to gain control of hearts and lives.  Help the people of this country to see that government handouts are not free, but paid for with the surrender of independence.    Amen."

 Day #7 (July 2nd):  "That sin is no longer defined as a right and supported by law."   "Dear Jesus, return the heart of this nation to the righteous support of God's Commandments as encapsulated in Holy Love.  Vigorously defend life in this effort, as well as the tradition of marriage between a man and a woman.  Realize that the acceptance of sin as a political issue is shaking hands with Satan, and giving evil an open door.  Let all laws be in support of God's Commandments; thereby strengthening the backbone of this great nation.  Amen."

 Day #8 (July 3rd):  "For citizens who live in Truth to be emboldened in their power to precipitate change."
"Dear Jesus, place the Shield of Truth over the hearts, emboldening every effort to stand for the Truth.  In this powerful effort, precipitate change towards righteousness in every government action, and in every legal decision.  Amen."   Recite Daily Prayer of the Novena for the USA.

 Day #9 (July 4th):  "For the glorious victory of Truth in those who hold the highest offices:
                              - President
                             - Supreme Court Justices
                             - Congressmen and Senators
                             - All Appointed Officials"
   "Dear Jesus, inspire the Victory of Truth in all those who hold public office.  Do not allow compromise of Truth or any contradiction to be part of any law.  In this effort, uphold the rights and independence
of every citizen.  Most especially inspire those who hold offices of the most profound influence:  President, Congress, Supreme Court Justices, towards this end.      AMEN.

 Note:  Novena should be said June 26th to July 4th every year;  it can be recited daily.


Spero News
Who is teaching 'social justice' to Catholics?

RealCatholicTV uploaded a new video

Time is running out for all of us, good and bad alike. The nightmarish condition of the culture at large and the mostly hit and miss response of many Church leaders to this situation is not something that will go on forever. In the meantime, we must remain vigilant and determined. Never give up.

RealCatholicTV uploaded a new video

Defrauding the Faithful?
Is it fraud to accept a donation for one thing and then spend it on something else? That's a question being raised now about the Catholic Campaign for Human Development.
Read the report    Watch our Special Report

Heretics from JustFaith are training deacons, seminarians and laity in Diocese of Orange
They are currently "training" laity at Holy Spirit Parish in Fountain Valley. 
 Below are some articles and quotes from their material.
News report from California Catholic Daily March 7, 2011:
The organization called JustFaith is embedded in thousands of parishes throughout the U.S., including the Diocese of Orange - (see this link on the D of O page - right hand side of blue tab that runs across the top of the info (Welcome, Respect Life, ............JustFaith)
Brought to you by the same person that said "  She  felt the ( Pro-Life ) booth was inappropriate for the event all together and since there are not other ministries there the Right to Life Booth should not be allowed to be present either.  She feels that a festival is not a teaching opportunity and should not be used as one.  She thinks it should be a "fun event" and nothing more.
Director: Georgeann Lovett,
Sent to Webmaster by angels watchin

LifeSiteNews.comHouse lawmaker introduces bill to strip Planned Parenthood of federal funds
In 2008 Planned Parenthood performed 324,008 abortions, and received $363 million in government grants and contracts.
Kathleen Gilbert Fri Jan 07 17:36 EST
Full Story


Michael Hichborn wrote:  Since when is a Church function not to also be a teaching function?
 It’s a rhetorical question, but it’s this kind of nonsense that we are up against!