Month of the Holy Eucharist

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April 7 - Saint John Baptist de la Salle -  Founder of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools and regarded as the father of modern pedagogy.

 For more see web link

April 11 - Saint Stanislaus -  Bishop of  Cracow, Poland.  Excommunicated King Boleslaus the Bold for kidnapping a noble’s wife.  Murdered by the king while saying mass.

 For more see web link.   

As part of our observance of Good Friday, we venerate the cross on which Christ died. The veneration challenges us to be willing to accept the cross, too, for it is the only way to resurrection. Through Baptism, we shared in Christ's death that we might come to new life. Every year we are called to deepen our identification with his cross and resurrection.

The core of our celebration of the Easter Vigil is the Baptism of the elect. As we share in their joy on this holy night, we are all called to renew our own baptismal promises, to live in the joy of life in the Risen One. Lent comes to its fulfillment around the waters of the font.

On Easter Sunday, the Church is recollected in contemplation of the risen Christ. Thus she relives the primordial experience that lies at the basis of her existence. She feels imbued with the same wonder as Mary Magdalene and the other women who went to Christ's tomb on Easter morning and found it empty. That tomb became the womb of life. Whoever had condemned Jesus, deceived himself that he had buried his cause under an ice-cold tombstone. The disciples themselves gave into the feeling of irreparable failure. We understand their surprise, then, and even their distrust in the news of the empty tomb. But the Risen One did not delay in making himself seen and they yielded to reality. They saw and believed! Two thousand years later, we still sense the unspeakable emotion that overcame them when they heard the Master's greeting: "Peace be with you.'"....
...Christ's Resurrection is the strength, the secret of Christianity. It is not a question of mythology or of mere symbolism, but of a concrete event. It is confirmed by sure and convincing proofs. The acceptance of this truth, although the fruit of the Holy Spirit's grace, rests at the same time on a solid historical base. On the threshold of the third millennium, the new effort of evangelization can begin only from a renewed experience of this Mystery, accepted in faith and witnessed to in life.... Pope John Paul II  


On Easter Sunday, the Church is recollected in contemplation of the risen Christ. Thus she relives the primordial experience that lies at the basis of her existence. She feels imbued with the same wonder as Mary Magdalene and the other women who went to Christ's tomb on Easter morning and found it empty. That tomb became the womb of life. Whoever had condemned Jesus, deceived himself that he had buried his cause under an ice-cold tombstone. The disciples themselves gave into the feeling of irreparable failure. We understand their surprise, then, and even their distrust in the news of the empty tomb. But the Risen One did not delay in making himself seen and they yielded to reality. They saw and believed! Two thousand years later, we still sense the unspeakable emotion that overcame them when they heard the Master's greeting: "Peace be with you.'"....
...Christ's Resurrection is the strength, the secret of Christianity. It is not a question of mythology or of mere symbolism, but of a concrete event. It is confirmed by sure and convincing proofs. The acceptance of this truth, although the fruit of the Holy Spirit's grace, rests at the same time on a solid historical base. On the threshold of the third millennium, the new effort of evangelization can begin only from a renewed experience of this Mystery, accepted in faith and witnessed to in life.... Pope John Paul II

April 25 - SAINT MARK  [Feast] - Evangelist and Patron of Notaries.  Saint Mark accompanied his cousin Saint Barnabas, Saint Paul and Saint Peter on missionary journeys.  He wrote the second Gospel in response to requests by the Christians of Rome.  Later he founded the Church at Alexzndria.

For more see web link

April 28 - Saint Gianna Beretta Molla - died 1962 - Patron mothers, physicians, preborn children - In the second month of her sixth pregnancy [two died before birth] Gianna developed a fibroma on her uterus. She had  three choices: an abortion,  a complete hysterectomy, which would preserve her life, but take the unborn child's life, or removal of only the fibroma, with the potential of further complications. Roman Catholic teaching would have allowed her to obtain a hysterectomy, but would forbid an abortion. Wanting to preserve her child's life, she opted for the removal of the fibroma.  On April 21, 1962, [Good Friday]  Gianna Emanuela was successfully delivered. However, Saint Gianna continued to have severe pain, and died of septic peritonitis 7 days after the birth.  For more see web link

April 29 - Saint  Catherine of Sienna  - (1347-1380)Virgin and Doctor of the Church - Patroness of Fire Prevention   Resisting parental pressure to marry Saint Catherine became a Third Order Dominican and spent much time caring for the sick and exhorting conversion.  She is particularly remembered for her influence in bringing the paope back to Rome from Avignon --  see web link  .

For more on Saint Catherine see web link