Month of the Most Precious Blood

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[July 1 was the Feast of the Most Precious Blood in the old Calendar.] 
[It has been combined with Corpus Christi (Second Sunday after Pentecost) in the current calendar]

July 1      Blessed Junipero Serra  [1713 - 1784]   Born In Majorca, Blessed Junipero joined the Franciscans and came to Mexico City in 1750; in 1768 he took over the missions when the Jesuits were suppressed in Spanish, and other, lands;  he founded 21 missions . Pope Francis plans to canonize Blessed Junipero on September 23 during his visit to the US. 

 For more see web link

July 3      SAINT THOMAS, Apostle, Patron of Architects  Often noted as the doubter for his insistence in pitting his finger in Jesus’ wounds to verify His Resurrection [John 20:24-29], Thomas is also the one who said “Let us go too, and die with Him” when they could not deter Jesus from returning to Jerusalem for Lazarus [John 11:11-16]

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July 11    Saint Benedict, Abbot  [480-547], Patron against Poisoning   Patriarch of Western monasticism  His monastery at Monte Cassino was the prototype of Western Monasteries

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July 14   Saint Kateri Tekakwitha  "Lily of the Mohawks" (1656-1680)  Kateri, Catherine, was born near Auriesville NY;  Her father was a Mohawk Chief, her mother a Catholic Algonquin;  Her family died of Smallpox, and she was badly scarred and her eyesight damaged by the disease;  She was raised by an anti-catholic uncle,; When she refused marriage she was persecuted by villagers;  She was impressed Jesuits , who baptized her at age 20;  She was forced to flee to the mission  for protection;  She experienced very advanced mystical union with God  She was declared Venerable in 1943, and Blessed in 1980   Now canonized she will be the only Native American Saint from the United States

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See also  North American Martyrs Shrine in Auriesville, NY

 July 15    Saint Bonaventure  [Ventura]  "Seraphic Doctor"   (1221-1274) He was named by St Francis of Assisi as he prayed for Bonavenutre’s  healing as a child; thus foretelling his future; Saint Bonaventure became a Franciscan and close friend of Thomas Aquinas.

 For more see web link.

 July 16    Our Lady of Carmel - Patronal feast of the Carmelites.  They take their name from Mount Carmel the first place dedicated to Mary.  There is tradition which says this is the mountain upon which Elijah met God.

For more see web link.

July 17    Blessed Martyrs of Compiegne -  Sixteen Carmelite nuns executed during the French Revolution. 

For more see web link 
 See also  Dialogue of the Carmelites  

July 22 - Saint Mary Magdalene   was with the Blessed Virgin and the other Mary at foot of cross [Matthew 27:36] and observed the burial [Matt 27:61];  She went to the Tomb on Sunday to prepare the Body [Matt 28:1] and was the first to whom Jesus appeared  [Mark 16:9] Jesus had cast seven devils out of her  which has caused her to be sometimes identified with prostitute who washed Jesus feet with tears;  She has also sometimes been identified with Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus;  The current Church Calendar stipulates her to be only the woman at the cross.

 For more see web link

July 25 - SAINT JAMES the GREATER; Brother of John the Evangelist,  Patron of Laborers  Saint James preached in Spain, and was the First Apostle to die, Jerusalem 44 [Acts 12:2]

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July 26 - Saints Joachim and Ann,  Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary, These saints have been honored from the early days of the Church, though we know of them only from Tradition.

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July 29    Saint Martha  Sister of Mary and Lazarus   [Luke 10:38-42;  John 11]  Patroness of Cooks  We are told that Mary chose the better part, but Martha got a feast day; maybe because we can better identify with Martha; Also Mary was often identified with Mary Magdalene [see above July 22] .  In either case Lazarus got left out.

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31 July    Saint Ignatius of Loyola  (1491-1556)  Patron of Retreats,  Saint Ignatius was a soldier and  turned to God while recovering from wounds;  He subsequently founded the Society of Jesus, Jesuits, to be especially dedicated to the Pope.

 For more see web link